Delivery & Engagement

Flexible Models
for Efficient Delivery

Crafsol’s unique Delivery and Engagement model provides “follow the sun” advantages to its customers. Our flexible engagement models help to strike the right balance between operational efficiency and cost effectiveness through systems and processes that are geared to provide customers a high level of transparency and full control.

This delivery model allows you to focus on your core competencies; while we manage the technology operations with the help of an international team. By implementing defined processes across our various touch points, our clients are assured of predictable and consistently high levels of quality for every project we are involved in.

Benefits for our Customers

Reduced Risk

By using proven processes
and engagement.


Productivity with efficient
engagement model.

Faster turn around

Assured by experienced
by professionals.

Significant cost benefits

Access to best

Project Model

End to End Responsibility of Projects

Crafsol takes complete responsibility of the projects in this model. This models is designed for projects that are reasonably well-defined and the business logic is straightforward, the entire execution of the project right from requirements gathering to final delivery, can be executed off shore or right shore.

Benefits for you
  • Highest cost-effectiveness to our clients.
  • Adapt to evolving requirements
  • Get clear visibility on timelines and milestones
  • Reduce your risk and have crafsol responsible for the project deliverable
  • Fixed pricing for entire projects